Saturday, March 17, 2007

Really Early Saturday Morning Cartoons

This is some stuff by Skottie Young. I'm really getting into the cartoony-style of drawing and I completely blame my friends; 85% percent of whom are currently the animation industry. It's not a style that comes naturally to me at all and i've always gravitated towards more "realistic" style characters that are too micro-detail oriented.

Newsarama had an article about the re-designs of the New X-Men characters and it totally caught my eye. I remember liking the look of that brief pre-Civil War run of New Warriors art, so I am pretty stoked to find out that it's the same guy. This coloursheet is a pretty good example of what I love about this style: I really like how consistent the characters look and how the proportions and the details are all in sync with the style. The emotions and attitudes are definitely exaggerated beyond what could be found in a photoreal drawing, but it totally works. Hellion looks really exudes his cool and jerk-ness while the beast boy looks really friendly and playful. Plus, I'm probably in the minority here (at least for people above the age of 14) but I love me some underaged X-23, and I loved Josh Middleton's gothy take on her, so it's cool to see that look showing up again. And frankly, these characters just look really fun and young, something I didn't feel at all from the previous artist.

They must never -ever- see the light of day, but you can bet I did some "copying" sketches off of these character sheets. While mostly for giggles (more like cries of frustrated rage), it's actually really interesting for me to try to break foreign styles down into undestandeable components and then come up with a half-assed system for drawing them. New things come to me, because it's such a different angle of approach to drawing. I found that just by seeing how the guy draws his figures and musclature, i've come up with a few tricks that I can use to fix up some of grey areas I see in my own drawings.

Anyways, too much blogging and not enough drawing! I'm out.

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