Sunday, March 18, 2007

Drowning In A Sea of Jenny

Had an excellent tea fueled sketch today with the ridiculously talented Jenny. I've been conscripting her to do that sketch thing where we combine one person's random subject (person/thing/organic fooblebooble) with the other's random setting. Having spent most of last night staring at art blogs (instead of drawing, ;( *slice wrists*), I really tried to raise my game and make something I would at least post up, so here's my entry:

This combination was: Little Girl + Cherry Blossoms. I think Jenny made some stipulations that the girl was to be "white", around 10 years old and with "big hair". She also overruled my inclination that the "big hair" could be an afro. Damn, Jenny why are you such a hater? Anyways, I think somehow managed to screw up because this girl looks like she has the soul of a 78-year old, specifically Marlene Dietrich. As I put it ever so delicately to Jenny, the kid has "sultry, sultry eyes", and believe me i've seen my share of sultry 10 year-old girls.

I totally forgot to set a time limit for this one, so we took our sweet time, but i'm pretty happy that this turned out in about twenty minutes, inks and all. We made another one with a five-pushed-to-seven minute limite and mine was decidedly less cool. The colours were added in post, though it would have been cooler if I had brought a pink hi-liter.

Jenny always manages to blow me away with her stuff. We have completely different styles of drawing: whereas my brain rarely allows me to draw anything that isn't chained by physical properties or at least a perceived environment, her stuff seems -to me at least- to be amorphous and freely floating on some other-worldly plane.

We've collaborated in the past on a few things, but never directly drawn a picture together and since then, I also think we've gotten alot better so i'm really riding her to gimme some free swag art that I can play around with. We did a quick one today passing a piece of paper back and forth:

I always imagined a drawing collab as one of my paranoid looking figures drowning in the sea of her imagination, so I guess this is pretty damned literal. She plopped down the bottom "fountain" first and I plopped on swimming dude and she finished it off with the "tentacles". Or at least that's what I'm calling them, they probably have names in her brain.

So yeah, i'm brainstorming a collaboration project that will involve her; because as Mandy knows, nothing motivates like another artist breathing down your neck asking you for pages. The idea is still kind of cookie dough at this point, but I promises you that it'll be pretty damned cool. More importantly, i'm thinking that this could involve more than a few artists, this probably means you: Hallis and Mandy. I'll come bothering you all soon.

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