Friday, June 1, 2007

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

I cut my hair again. I now have the mohawk I always wanted.

Perhaps i'm being self-conscious but the downside is that I find that people give me very dirty glances as I stroll past and are downright suspiciouswhen I enter their establishments. It's a little disappointing in terms of the human spirit since i'm no less of the asshole I was back when I had a few more hairs on the side and a few less up top; they treated me pretty well back then.

On the plus side, i've gotten some ego-stroking out of my ridiculously talented co-workers whom I've forced into producing portraits of yours truly with sweatshop efficiency.

I've never been quite as splendidly cute or pinstripey as Laura has been nice enough to draw out; nor am I as rugged and manly as the other Dan suggests. Karen has drawn one too, whose handsome and charming likeness, she could (of course) not bear to part with mwahahahaha; but she claims she'll scan and send it to me so that it might also reside in this veritable hall of fame. AND IT IS AWESOME!!!

This could be a self-aggrandizing meme: I charge you O people of the world, draw me in all my hair shorn glory!

Oddly enough, while leafing through my sketchbook I came across this ink test I did sometime late last year.

Despite the fact that I wasn't drawing a self-portrait and the crazy goth lips notwithstanding,... I find it strangely prescient.

Anyways I'm crazy and outrageous with excitement since Mandy is coming to visit tomorrow with Diana. I'm a little sad because it'll probably be the last time I see her before she opens up an awesome new chapter of life in the Eire. Also Happy Dave and Maki's Anniversary (oh and also your birthday) to Hallis; sorry I didn't make it out to the pub tonight since i'm mashed from this week but I'm sure you're having a capital time. Hope you manage to be upright and hangover free for ze wedding.


Dan szilagyi said...

wow, i feel quite honored that you put my not so good drawing of you up here, one day i'll do one that i'll be proud of too.

till then....DAN-DAN POWER!!

Laura Jane Hamilton said...

I wasn't just being nice... Your shirt was very pinstripey that day.

Daphne said...

Daniel Christian, you have a mowhawk?!

Dcfung said...

Haha, what would my mother say eh?

Laura Jane Hamilton said...

Dan, this may interest you.